Thursday 9 April 2015

Deviled Eggs 2 Ways

Two dozen eggs later I am left with quite a few eggs to make use of.  I decided to toss the ones that were baked and cooked from cold water as I just can't stand the smell of sulfur in my eggs. And the difficulty peeling...argh! Bugs me.

So to use up my eggs I have 2 super quick deviled egg recipes for you.  

The first is a riff on David Chang's Kimchi-Bacon Deviled Eggs from the Momofuku cookbook, one of my favourite modern cook books.  I've made this so many times now that the recipe has kind of become my own and I do tend to make it to my taste now (and the taste of my family and guests) and bump up the amount of kimchi, mint and bacon (you can NEVER have too much bacon). 

I know this flavour combination sounds a bit weird to many of you but trust works.These fly off the plate every time I make them.  

Kimchi-Bacon Deviled Eggs


Yolks of 6 hard-cooked eggs
1/4 c cooked crumbled bacon
1/2 c kimchi, finely diced
2 green onions, sliced thinly
2 tbsp mayonnaise
2 tbsp mint, finely chopped
1/4 tsp sea salt

Combine everything in a bowl until smooth and combined.  Drop spoonfuls about 1 tbsp each into your egg white halves.

The second was a bit of a whim for me and sounded kind of original, but I have since learned that quite a few other food bloggers have had a similar "original" idea as me.  Oh well...  In any event, the Guacamole Deviled Eggs were also a hit with the fam Easter Sunday at lunch, and are definitely something I will make again.   

Guacamole Deviled Eggs

Yolks of 6 hard-cooked eggs
1/2 ripe avocado, mashed
Juice of 1/2 lime
2 tbsp cilantro, finely chopped
1 glove garlic, finely chopped
2 tbsp red onion, finely chopped
1/4 tsp sea salt

Combine everything in a bowl until smooth and combined.  Drop spoonfuls about 1 tbsp each into your egg white halves.

Really eggs are a blank canvas waiting for you to throw an idea at them, so let me know if you have a favourite food or sandwich combination and I will see if I can turn it into a palatable deviled egg. Oooo!  Just came up with one...Reuben eggs... Montreal smoked meat or pastrami with sauerkraut! What about duck confit eggs??? 

Or tell me....

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